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I truly believe Augustine’s words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world with amazing talents who realize only a small percentage of their potential. We all know people who live this truth. we also know those epic stories, those modern-day legends surrounding […]
Success isn’t really that difficult. there is a significant portion of the population here in North America, that actually want and need success to be hard! Why? so they then have a built-in excuse when things don’t go their way! pretty sad situation, to say the least. for those of you who are serious about […]
The other virtues practice in succession by Franklin were silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, Justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. For the summary order he followed a little scheme of employing his time each day. From five to seven each morning he spent in bodily personal attention.
Making a decision to do something – this is the first step. we all know that nothing moves until someone makes a decision. the first action is always in making the decision to proceed. this is a fundamental step, which most people overlook. without clarity, you send a very garbled message out to the Universe. […]
So, there you have it; the six steps that will help you to the fabled land of achievement and success! You now have the opportunity to push ahead and reach your potential. No more excuses – make the commitment to take action. Get the oars in the water and start rowing. Execution is the single biggest […]
Despre Cookie Acest website foloseste cookie-uri pentru a furniza vizitatorilor o experienta mult mai buna de navigare si servicii adaptate nevoilor si interesului fiecaruia. In ceea ce numim “web 2.0”, “cookie”-urile joaca un rol important in facilitarea accesului si livrarii multiplelor servicii de care utilizatorul se bucura pe internet, cum ar fi: Personalizarea anumitor setari […]
Declaratie de confidentialitate – Acord confirmat Iti multumim! Am primit acordul de la tine iar datele tale sunt in siguranta 🙂 Te rugam sa parcurgi declaratia noastra de confidentialitate mai jos: Declaratie de confidentialitate MonteroVet.ro se angajeaza sa ofere un nivel corespunzator regulilor GDPR de confidentialitate, disponibilitate si integritate a datelor […]
Autoritatea Națională pentru Protecția Consumatorilor www.anpc.gov.ro
Tarife curierat Transportul este GRATUIT la comanda minima de 100 RON, oriunde in tara. Pentru comenzi mai mici, costul transportului este de 21.75 cu TVA inclus
Reprezentanti medicali: Sector 1, 6 + jud. Prahova, If (zonele din proximitatea sectorului 1, 6) – Carmen Dumitrescu: 0729.290.733 Sector 2, 3 + jud. Calarasi, If (zonele din proximitatea sectorului 2, 3) – Radu Mucenic: 0726.327.335 Sector 4, 5 + jud. Arges, Giurgiu, If (zonele din proximitatea sectorului 4, 5) – Monica Mucenic: 0726.327.341 Constanta, […]